How are custom annotations created? =================================== Objective --------- Make a group from a set of samples of interest. Skills Covered -------------- * Selecting a new data type to view as a new layout. * Create a new group from a user-drawn region encompassing a set of samples. Steps ----- 1. With the map, **Pancan12/SampleMap**, select the layout, **mRNA+miRNA+RPPA+SCNV+Mut+Meth (integrated)** as in the picture below. .. image:: _images/caseAnnotation-1.png :width: 400 px 2. In the Short List, make sure **Tissue** is checked and no other attributes are checked. 3. In the middle of the map you can find a cluster of samples of mixed tissue of origin, as in the picture below. This is our pan-cancer group of interest. .. image:: _images/caseAnnotation-2.png :width: 400 px 4. Use the zoom control in the bottom right of the map to zoom into the region containing the pan-cancer group. .. image:: _images/caseAnnotation-3.png :width: 515 px 5. Click on the **Select** menu then click on **by Polygon**. 6. Select the samples belonging to the pan-cancer group by clicking to define each vertex of the polygon. Double-click to complete the polygon. .. image:: _images/caseAnnotation-4.png :width: 500 px 7. Specify the name of the group (e.g. PancancerGroup) in the popup window. 8. Notice that this group is now selected and the new annotation/attribute shows up in the Short List with a lavender background indicating it is a generated attribute. .. image:: _images/caseAnnotation-5.png :width: 500 px